Forum postsTotal 7 posts found, here are 3 latest posts:
Topic: coaching seminars
Posted: Aug 26, 2012
Hello there. Was wondering if there is a site where one can find upcoming seminars and conferences about combined events coaching.
Topic: Women's Heptathlon Macrocicles. Your opinion?
Posted: July 12, 2011
Hello there.
For the past 3 years I'm working as a coach and train kinds in Track and Field.

In my hands now there is a girl 14 years old who I think has the potential of being quite good.
The Internet doesn't seem to be friendly yet for Combine Events Coaches. Not many articles on specific training construction. So i thought of coming here and ask for your help.
I want to see her succeed and not burn her down.

1st Can you give your constructive criticism on my training mecocicles?

2nd Can you post YOUR mecocycle structure. Only the view of how you put the components in your week can be very helpful. If you want to keep yours away from public eyes, I would love to get it in my e-mail at least.

3rd Since she is still 14 (born 1997), she still has 1 year where she will compete in Pentathlon (80m hurdles, LJ, SP, JV, 600m). So for this year, should I start investing in the upcoming Heptathlon? My main question is, should I start introducing her to the 100m hurdles (they have 8.5m from hurdle to hurdle instead of current 8m) or do so later on? How often should I throw in runs for 200m and training blocks for High Jump?

My macrocicle

September – October -> General preparation with easy weight training, lots of running and games.

November -> Transition phase. Running drills, Medicine ball workout. Basic technique introduction in hurdles, long jump, throws. Interval runs. Olympic weight lifting techniques.

December and later on we begin the following mecocicles. 2 week based with 3rd week acting as a rest week.

Monday 1 – Hurdle drills, weight training, 20’ run. Tuesday 1 – Long Jump, Shot Put,. Wednesday 1 – 600m training, Core workout , Thursday 1 – REST, Friday 1 – Javelin, Weight training. Saturday 1 – Hurdles, Pleometrics, Shot Put. Sunday 1 – REST.

Monday 2 – Long Jump, weight training, 20’ run. Tuesday 2 – Hurdles, Javelin. Wednesday 2 – 600m training, core workout. Thursday 2 – REST. Friday 2 – Shot Put, weight training. Saturday 2 – Long Jump, Javelin, Pleometrics.

Monday 3 – Shot put, weight training. Tuesday 3 – High Jump, Interval. Wednesday 3 – little hurdles work, 200m training. Thursday 3 – REST. Friday 3 – 600m training. Saturday 3 – Hurdles, Javelin.
Re: Decathlon Training
Posted: Aug 11, 2007
a tough one there my friend. Pole vault is very important in decathlon and give away many points. So if your LONG TERM goal is to create top decathlete with scoring abilities 7500 you NEED to practice pole vault.

What you can do now is do a lot of gymnastics, and i mean a lot!

Along with gymnastics you can built the best Long Jump you can (which will help the athlete in pole vaulting later on).

And finally you can do as many mimic exercises as you can like : running with pole vault and learn how to lower it, how to move your hands, how to take off the ground AND move your arms. Also you can find a 3m pole and do some take offs at the long jump (run, put the vault in the sand and do some rotations of the body and land on the sand) like they were doing in the old days.

Eventually you will need to take your boys to a place where they can do a pole vault training 1 time a month.

After that the next best thing for you will be to do live training at the day of the competition, you will have to make your athletes begin jumping from very low heights (like 2.50 m) and gradually work their way up.

All the above are my opinions as a Physical educator and as a decathlete.

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