Forum postsTotal 5 posts found, here are 3 latest posts:
Re: Hypomeeting 2011 Götzis
Posted: May 12, 2011
I cannot find the english web page version? Can anybody help?

Great entry list! Fans, we always want more hehe
Re: Eusebio Caceres
Posted: Feb 19, 2011
6.82 it's the clock time. A mistake!
Re: Eusebio Caceres
Posted: Feb 19, 2011
6.84 on 60m and 8.08 on long jump today, during Indivindual National Championship Events!

Anyone know about some images of the record (maybe youtube or another wepage?)

Thanks and congratulations for everybody. Eaton, the people arround him and of course the supporters, is a happy day for combined events fans!
Absolutely amazing!

What a huge pity not to have had this guy in Doha! Just eight heptathletes, seven after the not my concept of espectacle! TV and timetables are broking our sport (the same with false starts)

Ok, three from the USA in that case...but come on, is the record holder!