Forum postsTotal 4 posts found, here are 3 latest posts:
Re: Javelin
Posted: Aug 02, 2011
That makes sense. With my center of gravity moving forwards it seems as though I actually hop to keep from going over on my face.

I will try to remain back longer on the plant.

Thank you,

If anyone has any drills, I am all ears.
Topic: Javelin
Posted: July 21, 2011
I can never seem to have a solid plant leg, I seem to have a slight hop, or bouce on my plant leg during the throw. Anyone have any drills to help correct this.
Re: sample workouts
Posted: July 06, 2011
Marks went wonky.

At 17
-Long Jump-6.52m

Deca 6592

At 35

-Long Jump-5.67 meters
-Javelin 44.89 meters

Outdoor Pent 2492

35-40 lbs heavier and much slower, lol

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